Monday, March 31, 2008


The world grows smaller
But the memories grow larger.

that makes me happy

Saturday, March 22, 2008


what a day.
just got back from spending time with my daddy.

we went to breakfast then for a drive
and finally,
a walk in Nomahegan park <3

im kinda tired actually.
i woke up early so i could get ready for him.

i feel kinda blehh
and mom seems to be in a weird mood.

but maybe she had a long day too.
im not really in the mood for going shopping for a
bridesmaid dress right now.

i dont like shopping.

especially not today.
i just kinda wanna chill.

but what can ya do
my mom's mind is set on that

bridesmaid dress?
here we go!

wow. i mean. WOW

i love getting comments from Brazilian companies i have never heard of


you know the ones that post on blogs like these to get customers

and if they really do like this blog
as much as that generic message says



dont you just hate

having japanese songs stuck in your head....
especially since you dont know the lyrics?!
im just sayin...

so yeah i officially love spring break<3


i have done nothing all day but watch movies

and some anime called Blood+
on youtube

so yeah.

lifes pretty damn good

now. im gonna go to sleep

have some damn good dreams

and tomorrow im gonna spend time

with my daddy :]

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Let me tell you about the love I saw in their eyes.

Because its the same love you see in mine.

My grandmother gave me two pictures of her parents
for me to scan so i can send them to my aunts

as i looked at those pictures i could see the light in their eyes

and i wondered

what was the story of Batic and Peping Go?

was he in love with her?
and why did he leave?
did he love the woman he was arranged to marry?
or did he still love the woman he left in the Philippines

i guess ill never know.

i think i feel a story coming on.
im gonna shower now
then maybe.

ill create a story of how i hope it would have been.
from the love in their eyes.

i wish i knew them.

Shut up and kiss me like the antedote is under my tongue.

We have to take our clothes off
&&we have to party all night

im in such a good mood today :]
im not quite sure why
but i think i have an idea :p


one of my favorite days of the week


and if it ends today
well i'll still say that you
shine brighter than anyone<3

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Give love. Then take it away.

okay so the girls just left
and im so glad

like dont get me wrong i love them and everything

but that girl
annoys the shit outta me

i seriously just wanted to punch her in the face

but whatever.

so yeah

Friday, March 7, 2008

oh wow.

i just read every single post for june of 07
[cuz it had the most]
that was the funniest shit ever

im so fuckin random.

on another note

i have an idea for a couple of books
one i just came up with about me and my friends

and another that ive wanted to write since
wow. since as long as i can remember
about my mom, my godmother and myself.
and our crazy relationships with each other and with others.

im so excited
i really cant wait.
i think ill start now :]


so yeah
so much has gone on since i last wrote.

the musical was an amazing success :] [[w00t strakosh]]

and now its so weird that im actually home after school.
i havent been home in like forever
its like woah!
home?! what is this thing called home
like w00sh!

my toes are cold.

oh damn this guy is hott :]
who is he?!
[[lol im watching ellen]]
ryan scheckler? [[[some skater dude]]
like holy shit :]


haha. anywayyy

im hyper :]