Monday, September 29, 2008

Cuz tonight is like you and I...

So alive and too young to die.


the wedding was amazing
and it passed by sooo fast
it was almost like the best dream ive ever had
and in a second it was overr :[

he fits all over again.
its like the most ridiculous circle in the world

Friday, September 26, 2008

2days til the wedding :D

I'm pretty excited actually
Everything just happened so fast!!

Its really exciting :D

I really can't wait :)
Its just so exciting

Monday, September 15, 2008

I hate watching the news these days....

There is never anything good.
Everyone dies/kills/rapes
Its just beyond depressing

What the hell is the matter with the world today?
Is our generation beginning to degress?
I don't think it matters who's going to take on after Bush...
I hate to say it but there's nothing we can do to save ourselves just yet.

Maybe the Mayans are right...
The world is coming to an end.
But I don't think sunspots or showers are the problem

We are.
We are the reason the world's falling apart.
But what can we do?
How do we fix a world that cannot even begin to see that it's falling apart?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Is it just me...

Or are all incoming freshman getting shorter???
I almost tripped over some kid walking through the halls

Its kinda hard for me to grasp the fact that I'm now a senior
That all the older students I used to look up to are now long gone
And now we're those people to an entire school

In a way its kinda liberating to know we have gotten this far and are so close to the finish line
But the main question now is...
What happens after this race?
Most of us are flung into another 400
Some take their cool downs
Some take on harder more intense challenges

Some fight for the gold
And some give up and settle for silver or bronze
Either way once this final sprint is over
Whatever hurdles we had to jump
its all about to pay off

And its such an exhilarating feeling to know
That its just one lap to go :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Senior Year...

Starts in an hour

Am I ready? :p