Wednesday, May 2, 2007

this is me. i think?

bleh ever feel like your you but not?
like you sorta watch your life pass but its not you thats living
ive felt like that
not really the best feeling in the world

sometimes i wonder...
will anyone remember me in 500 years?
and if
would i be a hero. or a failure?
an amazing writer? or a struggling fool.

i wanna be remembered. i wanna leave something to make you remember me
will this work?

i hope so.

if not. then what will become of me?
enough of that.
boring day
nothing much to really ponder over.
i have a slight dread feeling.

you know when it feels like you wanna cry
but you dont.

you wanna scream
but you cant.

bleh how annoying =[
its cold in here

it rained last night.
the works.
<3i love the rain
im not sure why
i just do

i kinda dont wanna stop writing right now
back to first topic [500 years] (i tend to jump around with my thoughts...try to keep up)

stared at the ring my dad bought for me in the museum. its simple and it has an ankh on it (egyptian symbol of eternal life). i had the urge to wear it today
im not sure why
ha-ha just kidding.

bleh what am i saying?
w/e im gonna stop now before i completely lose my mind

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