Saturday, May 26, 2007

my nightmare

i just had the CRAZIEST dream ever!!!!

holy crapppppp
okay so it starts off as like a family gathering in the living room of my grandparents house
all of a sudden we see a package that has been delivered to us
so my uncle n opens it.
and inside is

(lol we just got ours last week...*shifty eyes*)

so anyway all of a sudden it turns on and spins and starts cleaning around right
but somethings wrong...i sense it so i slowly get up and back away towards the kitchen
lo and behold as soon as i turn around it starts spinning and shooting everything
so i run to the door to the basement (which has a separate back door) and i wait by the stairs
and i can hear the roomba coming to get me....and when it realizes it cant get to me cuz of the stairs it goes back to the living room
and i can hear it self destruct

so i come out and i run upstairs to my room...
after alls clear i come out go to the bathroom where i see my grandmother and she tells me that it was from this girl that my uncle f. is dating and shes trying to get some form of revenge
after that i went back downstairs

thats when i see a second package
its another roomba but its orange and it starts blowing things up
i got scared so i hid in the basement again and as soon as i saw it leave i ran out the back door and crawled underneath the window of the laundry room.

i see my tia n. and i ask her if i could take her car. she hands me the keys and i tell her to get in.
we drive (or rather i drive but im sitting in the backseat) around the town and somehow i end up at school.
im in the gym and i play a little soccer with some guys until i see people huddled around a dead roomba and theyre cleaning out the hair from it and my teacher starts talking bout "if you know who it is tell some one just say those two or three little words and youll never be afraid again"
and then i turn and my friend holly is there and she says "yeah sam!" who is sitting right behind me
and holly starts saying "it was sam it was sam!"
i look at her and i say "no it cant be her...shes not smart enough to do something as complex as this"
thats when i hear it
a cricket
in the middle of the day chirping...i look up and turn away from the gym teacher thats talking and i look towards the back door and theres a guy in a grey skeleton mask
i dont realize it until my eyes focus and i see the mask...
i hide behind the teacher and tell her "there he is"
people start to panic and run out the door hes crouching in front of...(idiots...he turns towards the door and finds them kills them)
i took the opportunity to run out the other door opposite him that leads to the hallway
i see him start to run after me and i hear shots being fired
i do not look back
i run towards the emergency exit door
and i turn around and then

i wake up

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