Sunday, January 13, 2008


Noriko said, "Shogo. I know i am repeating myself, but i have to say it. If i were Keiko, this is what I'd say." She looked up at the sky, now tinged with orange and continued, "Please live. Talk, think, act. And sometimes listen to music..." She stopped then she continued, "Look at paintings at times to be moved. Laugh alot, and at times cry. And if you find a wonderful girl, then you go for her and love her."
Shogo listened without a word.
Noriko continued, "Because thats the Shogo I really loved." She looked over at Shogo. She seemed slightly embarrassed, but added, "Thats what I would have said."

Battle Royale<333
[[ pg. 560 ]]

Saturday, January 12, 2008


holy shit where did that come from


when did i get so romantic?
dammit i should stop watching cheezy movies with my mom.



i should go.
i think this is enough to push the other blog down.
far enough that only i will know it exists

oh and also.

another reason im glad for them.

because it means that someday

ill find someone too<3

and he'd love me unconditionally
and id love him too.

and the reason.....

is that i dont think im ready for what will happen if he does read it
its gonna be really awkward i know

im like the queen of awkwardness

but anyway
i only posted it to let it out in words.
and maybe someday
when i look through all these pages and i read them.
i'll smile and say

"wow was i a loserr"
[[ hahahaha... you were waiting for something witty weren't you ]]

okay so

its most def. crazy that its already 2008
and that its been an entire year since we fought

jeez how crazy is that
but w/e
the point is that
im happy they're together
because i have never seen him so happy in the times that ive known him
and now

shes perfect for him and i get that
and its nice because i dont love him anymore
and it doesnt hurt

i've always been genuinely happy for them
[[ though i dont think they know that ]]
but its true.

and although i know i should say this to them.
its really not my place.

i dont like trying to avoid him
but i know that if we are friends again
that when he graduates this year

im gonna be sad. :[
and i dont want to be sad.

im actually very very happy now :]
and lately ive been having the most amazing time of my life

2007 was a great healing year
and 2008 is just :]

i mean seriously 2 weddings so far
my godmother's parents anniversary wedding
and my mom and vincents :]

[[ im performing at both too ]]

well anyway
im now gonna post an obnoxious amount of blogs when i get home from rehearsal
[[ play=funny girl. me=ensemble/mrs strakosh understudy ]]

because as much as i want him to read what i wrote.
i really really dont.

Friday, January 11, 2008

sing us a song

and we'll sing it back to you
we could sing our own
but what would it
be without you?


happy new year

lol plus 11 days