Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lately, I've had the strangest feeling...

wow. i havent thought of that song in a while
[[ Jodeci: Lately ]]

know what else i havent done in a while?

Ive been slackin big time.
I think its because lately
ive been trying to keep busy

the busier i am the more i can keep my mind off of things

like the fact that graduation is in a month
and that i only have like 24days of Highschool left.
it feels so weird

its like you wait your entire life for the moment you graduate
and then you get here and...

im being redundant

ive been very poetic lately.
i was sitting in the car yesterday and i came up with like
3 poems.


im incredibly tired
and apparently very boring today.
since i was sooo ready to write something
and ive now forgotten what it was >.<

so with that
i say

good night
good night
parting is such sweet sorrow...
but i shall say goodnight til it be morrow. :]

[[ Shakespeare FTW! ]]

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