Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Singing myself to sleep, you're still my favorite melody...

its been three weeks
how long can this go on?
singing myself to sleep,
you're haunting every memory

funny how things work out huh?

i guess in a way i shouldve known
you would think i'd listen to my instincts

theyre usually right you know?

get out.
get out
of my life.

yeah well.
easier said than done.
im not one for giving up
but is this really worth it?

i never said i was the best thing for you.

i wrote two songs yesterday afternoon
and another today.
go figure.

here we go again...

cuz im drowning
when i close my eyes
and im falling
i cant breathe tonight...
end of story.
i fade to black inside.

[[Zzzz -The Cab]]

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