Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I've only got forever and forever's just fine...

[Vegas Skies- The Cab]


im itchin to see them again...
too bad i have work on the day theyre in the area :/

maybe i can change that :]


so today
[well yesterday i guess now...]
has been...
ajdfikjewaoi;fgdnviosno;iawefnoi;djnio;aroi gd

its been icky.

i overthink things wayyy too much.
i should stop that.
but oh well.

its just part of my charmmm
ha ha.

you know whats funny?
i had a whole bunch of things to say...
and now.
i forgot them :[

i lie.
i just dont wanna tell :x

not like anyone reads this anyway so i guess it wouldnt matter.

hmmm. my songs are great.
i just need to compose music for them >.<
ive never tried putting music to my songs
maybe i should start

im really tired right now.
but at the same time. im too antsy to sleep
im kinda anxious about sleeping right now

i have a feeling im gonna have some weird dreams
like yesterday when i wrote that one song?
i felt like i couldnt breathe.
and i couldnt figure out why
until later...

like i said before.
instincts are good to listen to.

so im avoiding sleep.
even though i really want it.

everytime you go to sleep at night, 
i wonder what you hide behind closed eyes. 
what else could you be keeping from me?
[Save Your Breath-HTL]

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