Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Right now this town is for the taking...

Soooo much change is approaching
at rapid speeds.

And for once...
im not afraid.

i think that ive finally accepted everything.
and its such an amazing feeling.

i feel like life has been throwing me into a river
and all this time ive been trying to swim upstream
away from a cascade

but now im done fighting.
and i find that the drop in this waterfall isnt that far.
and that the river
flows into a vast and beautiful ocean.

I'm so excited for the new life ahead of me.

I quit my job and im thinking of work/study programs.
I move out in less than a month.
Im so excited !!

Im going to finally live in the city again.
I've missed it so much.
Dont get me wrong.
what can i say?
This city is contagious

but i miss being in the city.
i miss the chaos
i miss the sirens and the loud people
i miss the busy streets

I cant be in a suburb too long.
not yet.
suburbs are for starting families.
im not ready for that.
and i wont be for a while

they start lives.
they start things new.

I need that.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I love finding old stuff :)

So i found my mom's old journal when she was a sophomore in highschool.
we are so much alike. :p
in our thoughts and writing styles

i also found a poem i wrote my father that i thought i lost.

[[ 10.30.2006 ]]

He picked up his baby girl
looked her in the eyes
and said "Bebita remember
I am your mirror
and everything you are
so take all my good
and save me the bad
look at me as everything
you wouldnt want to be."
he rocked her in his arms
as his daughter fell asleep.

Years passed
and my how she grew!
into this woman standing in front of you
and she'll look at you and say
"Daddy I am your mirror
and you are mine
so take all the good
and throw the bad
because I am everything you are
and everything you can be."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Look around your world pretty baby, Is it everything you hoped it'd be?

Wrong guy.
Wrong situation.
Right time,
To roll to me.

[Roll to Me -Del Amitri]

this song makes me sooo happy
ive been trying to figure out who sings it
for monthsss :p


that and its such a goooddd soonnggg !!

i love that i have such a random interest in music :p

hmm. so i had a good day today :)

ive had a great weekend too!

Grad party on sunday
went really well :]

soooo much funnn :p

and today i spent some time with my sister.
which i loved.

im glad i have her :)

but dont tell her that ;p

Saturday, July 4, 2009

We both play with fire...

...but for some reason,
i seem to be the only one getting burned.

so what do i do?

do i keep the fire burning
in the hopes that it warms up to me
but run the risk of another 3rd degree?


do i let the fire die out
and find another place of warmth?

oh how ive drowned
will i ever reach the surface?

do i want to?

i treaded water.
i began to drown.

shall i swim to shore?

smokey the bear says:
only you can help prevent forest fires.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I've only got forever and forever's just fine...

[Vegas Skies- The Cab]


im itchin to see them again...
too bad i have work on the day theyre in the area :/

maybe i can change that :]


so today
[well yesterday i guess now...]
has been...
ajdfikjewaoi;fgdnviosno;iawefnoi;djnio;aroi gd

its been icky.

i overthink things wayyy too much.
i should stop that.
but oh well.

its just part of my charmmm
ha ha.

you know whats funny?
i had a whole bunch of things to say...
and now.
i forgot them :[

i lie.
i just dont wanna tell :x

not like anyone reads this anyway so i guess it wouldnt matter.

hmmm. my songs are great.
i just need to compose music for them >.<
ive never tried putting music to my songs
maybe i should start

im really tired right now.
but at the same time. im too antsy to sleep
im kinda anxious about sleeping right now

i have a feeling im gonna have some weird dreams
like yesterday when i wrote that one song?
i felt like i couldnt breathe.
and i couldnt figure out why
until later...

like i said before.
instincts are good to listen to.

so im avoiding sleep.
even though i really want it.

everytime you go to sleep at night, 
i wonder what you hide behind closed eyes. 
what else could you be keeping from me?
[Save Your Breath-HTL]