Thursday, November 19, 2009


I am soooo mad right now.

okay so this week was supposed to be the BEST WEEK EVERRR
leading up to THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVERRR it just sucks.

my plans for this week were:
mon &tues: normal class days
wed: Here's to Life playing at my school
thurs: co-hosting our school radio show with my friend
fri: going to a concert with my boyfriend
sat: epic birthday party
sun: my birthday/day with my boyfriend.

but last sunday as i was driving home from my parents house i stpped at a red light. the driver of the Dodge Ram 1500 behind me, did not. He ended up rearending my vehicle. :[
(poor Snowflake)
luckily i had my seatbelt on and i had no major injuries (like broken bones or whatever)
but the impact of the hit flung me forward and back suddenly. I had a huge headache and i was dizzy immediately.
i got out of my car and so did he, we looked at the damage.
being that this was my first accident i had no idea what to do, so i didnt call the cops (my mistake)
but neither did he. so we decided to move our cars to a nearby gas station
he got out and looked at the damage and said "oh its nothing okay i go home"
i didnt know what to do but i knew enough that he shouldnt leave. so i made him wait for my godmother to get there, as soon as she did, he left.
we drove home and my headache just got worse and worse. i called my parents then the police.
i went to police station and then the hospital from 930pm-3am

long story short,
Im in a lot of pain.
I have really bad whiplash and i had a minor concussion.
my brain feels like mush and everything is aching.
even my face.
(of all places!?)

anyway back to the point.
i spent all of monday trying to rest up
tuesday running around to a doctor
wednesday i spent all morning in the municipality running back and forth from police to judges to cranky ladies. and then later on when it was time for the one showed up. other than the bands :[
i felt horrible. like incredibly bad that they basically played a band showcase for each other. my plan was to just talk it up all week while i was in school but i wasnt in school mon-wed. :[
above all my body ached and my head felt like it was going to explode.
today (thursday) was my first day back in classes and for some stupid reason i had some sort of quiz/exam/writing prompt in EVERY CLASS.
i wanted to just die on the spot.
sooo i ended up not being able to do the radio show. which pissed me off because i was really looking forward to it. but at least i got to sleep.
tomorrow night was the concert. I was totally excited to see Hit the Lights again and to just party it uppp, but...i cant. After last night I realized that my parents were right, my body cant take it.
sooo yeah... so much for that.

i guess in a way its probably just a sign for me to not overflow my week with so much to do. but at the same time how can i not want to!?
i've been planning this for months, trying to make it the best birthday week everr
especially since im finally turning 18.

I cant do anything i wanted to. but at least we still have the party saturday night and i get to spend the day with my boyfriend on my birthday.

im just frustrated.
frustrated that because some guy wasnt paying attention for 5seconds my entire week is shot.
and granted it could be so much worse
(and im really thankful that it isnt)
but everything hurts

and all week i find that i just get irritable.
for no reason
and i feel like i want to cry and i cant control it.
maybe its because i got all shaken up (physically)
and im still getting over the minor brain injury

but it sucks.

today i had a calc quiz
and the problem was decent. something i couldve finished with time to spare
but as i started to do the problem, my head began to throb and i found that i couldnt focus on the numbers or the equation.
(just thinking about it makes my head hurt :[ )
and in the middle of it i felt like bursting into tears and i couldnt explain it.

it frustrates me sooo much.
and im soooo mad right now.
everything hurts.

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