Monday, April 21, 2008


is an amazing book

when i was younger i watched this show
called so weird
and it was like a teen version
of the Twilight Zone
[[ cue theme song/swirly galaxies and shit ]]

and in one episode
the girl travels through
multiple universes
that change
everytime you make a choice

so say
choice A gets its own universe
and choice B....

so on.

and i always wondered
what would my universes be like?

would i end up in the same place?
somewhere better?
or somewhere far far worse?
would i even be alive?

oh my

here i go again
with whatshisface
on that bridge
waiting to see
jumping off is right

play the what if game with me and george as he stares over the bridge and realizing his "wonderful life" is filled to the brim. good deeds and bad habits. listening to the music in my mind. wondering if someone will read this and find me sane instead of throwing it to the pits.
writing to do lists on a procrastinators whiteboard and accidentally erasing things not accomplished. changing the date to make you feel better.
dreamcatchers should work better. catch my dreams send them to the sky and hope that my time wont pass me by.
[[ Sound familiar? it should. it was my first entry.]]

and maybe it is
maybe all i have to do

is spread my arms out
and flap them a little
so that when i do

i dont crash that hard :]

that sounds surprisingly emo
and yet
i havent been sad in so long

strange huh?

so sunday was a weird kind of day
and if you knew me
at all
you'd know why.

and thats all i have to say about that.

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