Friday, October 24, 2008

As for what i want for this world.

I cannot stress enough how much i feel that we are so far fallen

i gave up on all things political a long time ago.
as for the election
lets face it

it doesnt matter who wins
we cant get out of this shithole situation just yet
its virtually impossible to fix everything overnight
no matter who is in office.

we have to realize that as for this whole world
we need change now.

I know ive talked to people about how the whole Mayan prediction for apocalypse is on Dec. 21st 2012

well honestly.
i dont believe in the whole sunshowers/world will explode idea
[[thats sooo Y2K]]
but if we dont start changing things now
we'll implode.
and that is the honest truth

we as a race,
will collapse from the inside out.
and something big IS gonna happen
i can feel it

its kinda scary
i dont know what it is
or if it is.
but i know that one day the world will wake up and realize
that we have to start thinking as a whole again
no more individualistic selfcentered focus

because sure its all good to be in tune with ourselves
[[im not saying thats a bad thing at all]]
im just saying that we not only need to focus on us but everyone and everything around us

think about it.
its gonna be hard to focus on yourself
when you have nothing around you.

[Does that make me hypocritical?]

when the world as you know it collapses
where will you be?
trying to save it?
or trying to save yourself?

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