Friday, October 24, 2008

We drove into a great sunset...and lived a life with no regrets.

[["Don't Wait" -Hit the Lights]]

so i guess i've decided that i want a lot for my life
in every aspect i know what i would like to have

If you havent already realized
i want [[more than anything]] to be a writer
i want to go to the University of Rochester.
i want to live a full life
i would die if i had a nine to five job

i cant sit in an office all day
i want so much for myself
i want happiness with someone i know i can spend the rest of my life with
[[which bytheway is kind of a stretch right now]]

ive been told that what i want isnt possible
isnt logical
isnt practical
isnt safe
isnt even close to right

isnt isnt isnt

but i dont want to be
or right.


i want to do whatever i think will make me happy
i want to travel
i want to do whatever it takes to find myself even more than i have.
and i honestly dont think i can have a "traditional job"

can you imagine me in a cubicle all day?
i would die of boredom

i used to want to be a lawyer or a marketing exec
but then one morning i woke up and realized that if i did any of that
i would be miserable
i would be 30 years old
hopped up on zoloft and absolutely hating my life.
hating my job
and i dont think i could be that way.
i would regret not writing
and i would miss it dearly
and most people honestly dont understand that

i write because it keeps me alive.
its kept me alive this long
it makes me feel whole.
and if its the only way i can find that
then goddammit ill do it.

im scared.
i wont lie.
im fucking terrified
but as the song goes

I cant wait for the sun to rise
I'll never know until i try
We make mistakes
And learn through time
We all grow old
We live.
We die.
We live.

[[ "Dont Wait" -Hit the Lights]]

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