Thursday, December 31, 2009

So what exactly happened?

Almost four years ago,
I was incredibly depressed.
I didnt know who I was and I felt that I was expected to be perfect from everyone around me.
In retrospect I think its safe to say that I felt like a failure
as a student
as a sister
as a daughter
as a role model to my cousins
as a person in general

I didnt feel like I deserved love from anyone else
especially not myself

I hated myself.
hated every little part about me

I was stressed out and overreacting to everything that was happening in my life
and so, I began to push people away.
(something i got incredibly good at and am now trying to unlearn)
I figured that I was saving them from the trouble of knowing the trainwreck I was becoming.
My grades were horrible
and so the more i felt like a failure
I didnt want to go to school.
I didnt want to deal with people
I just wanted to be alone
I slept all the time.
I did nothing with my life
and so the more i felt worse.
it just kept snowballing and all of a sudden
a tiny snowflake turned into an avalanche of apparent failure.

And so...
on March 10th 2006
I decided that I wanted to end it.
for good.
I wanted to die.
I couldnt stand myself so much that I thought the best way to deal with my hatred for myself was to remove myself.
smart logic i guess.
you have a toothache? take out the tooth
you've got a tumor? remove the tumor
leg aint workin? chop it off

I sat at the desk in my loft crying. Scared. Hurt. Stupid.
Just wanting it all to go away.
I took the closest and sharpest object (a pair of foldable sewing scissors)
and pulled back my sleeves
( Down the road not across the street kiddies. )
I slowly opened the scissors
( they were so cold. )
and pressed it against my left wrist
right at the base of my veins.
I was ready.

So what stopped me?

Ironically enough.
It was a dark day.
completely overcast. skies grey
no sun for miles
but the second i picked up those scissors
the second i accepted what i was about to do
the sun came out
it shown through the window and onto the silver sewing shears
the light brought me back
and i remembered everything
i thought of my family and my friends
most of all i thought of my brother
I owe him my life.
(him and a few others throughout the rest of the year too)

when he was born I swore i would protect him
what good would i be if i were dead?

i closed the scissors and i threw them into some corner where couldnt reach them
i locked myself in my room and i cried.

the rest of that year was just a roller coaster everywhere
and for a while i was still incredibly suicidal.
(and damn was i creative! just a few pills slowly one at a time would do it. hanging. drowning. jumping into oncoming traffic. stabbing myself with a kitchen knife... you name it, it definitely crossed my mind)
but i think i hid it pretty well.
(at least i think i did...who knows?)
and i never went through with it

i was bitter though.
i was angry.
i was hurting.
i may not have physically succeeded at killing myself but mentally and emotionally i was hella determined

Now that its been so long i can hardly imagine who i was anymore.
I want to burn that person out of my mind and heart and forget that girl ever existed
but now i know i cant do that
the truth is. at that time i was that girl.
as much as i hate to admit it i have to accept that.
it was a point in my life that was a necessary evil.
if it werent for that moment i wouldnt appreciate my life as much as i do now
i wouldnt know how to love myself.
how to accept myself.
and so here i am

I accept my past in order to receive my future.

I am sorry to everyone i have ever hurt
but most importantly
I am sorry to myself.
I know that i dont deserve to be her anymore.
and so with that i am now able to move forward.

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