Monday, June 30, 2008


just got home from work

madd tirreedd :[
and i smell like food :x


oh and btw

my life never fails to get weirder and weirder
with every single minute...

I have come to the conclusion

That I am
Completely and utterly


And therefore


On top of that

Ridiculously DELUSIONAL

Til the point where I am

Incredibly HOPEFUL

But mostly stupid and insane and delusional

Let's go with that

Friday, June 27, 2008

Just a small town girl...

living in a lonely worrlllddddd....

omg im sooo happy to be home

Ahh tsss push ittt

Its strange
It feels like just yesterday
We were merely freshmen

Then we spent
All our time
Trying to figure out
Are we growing up?
Just going down?

As time passed
What didn't kill us
Only made us stronger

And now
There's no such thing

Try to figure out what I mean
And ill love you forever

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Oh God

One of these dayyyyssss Aliceee

Straight to moon

Monday, June 23, 2008

Everythings moving so fast...

For the next four days i will be out
with Ate Mar, George, & AJ
touring some colleges/universities
in the NE area

I've been kinda freaking out all day about it
I know its a good experience and I really dont mind being with them
plus it gets me out of the house

but still
I registered for my SATs today
[[it went through i made sure of it]]

so now im just sorta printing out information on all the schools i want to go
[[Basically anything that has an amazing English Section]]
and all the schools that we're going to this week

its kinda overwhelming

im not gonna lie
but i guess i do have to grow up sometime

i just dont want to right now...

I wonder if its like this for everyone
alot of people i know say it is
but im not sure if im exactly ready you know?

oh God
i guess now is the time
now more than ever

we'll see...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Fool me once. Shame on you.

Fool me twice. Shame on me.
Fool me Three times. Watch your back.

i have known you for so long
and to think that i have been defending you for all this time
just pisses me the fuck off

and its funny now to think that i should have been listening instead of defending

i knew you could have your moments
but now i know that thats just who you are

you think you can manipulate?
you have no idea whats coming for you.
i am better at manipulation than you could ever imagine
and what you dont realize
is that
he is more of a man than you will ever be.

Would you catch me if i fall?

Or would you drop me farther than I could ever drop myself?

i have a new story
and i must admit its pretty badass

its called

its pretty great actually
and you would never guess where i got the idea

ready for this?
a painting in the vietnamese restaurant

its pretty exciting

in fact so exciting
that im using it as an excuse to procrastinate

i have two whole buckets filled with socks to sort
[[how tedious. dull. uneventful. borrriiinnnngggg]]

and i kinda dont wanna do it
but i have to eventually

that doesnt mean i cant
prolong the experience


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

As the years go by, i realize, i shouldnt be afraid to fly.

i should be terrified

[[or maybe not? idk. ask Freud]]

HAPPY 200th Post!!!


as for today?
it felt like any other day
but omg
im a SENIOR NOW!!!

thats sooo scarryyy

you have no idea

i didnt go to graduation
on the one hand i did want to
but on the other
i really didnt

those people i was close to
i said my goodbyes

but i cant even imagine that in one year
that will be me

i just hope i remember to take my diploma after i shake the principal's hand
[[ family insider. you wouldnt understand ]]

my God
where do i go from here?

my dad has been trying hard to convince me out of my English Major
and i really dont know what to do

i mean.
yeah im good at Marketing and Business [[i already found that out this year]]
but there are so many other things i want to do

and it hurts to think that my dad doesnt want me to do what i want most
i know he only has my financial security in mind
but writing is my passion

and i dont want to take it away
or have it taken from me.

but i also dont want to let him down
i know that he doesnt want me to live the life he did
but im not
and i know that English is what i want to do

ive spent all my life trying to figure out who i am
and this is it.

writing is who i am.
i cant change that

i know in the end my dad wont care what i choose
because i know at the end of the day he'll still love me

so why do i keep telling him ill change my major?
i never thought id have this problem

i cant give up what i want most in this world
and i cannot sit in a cubicle for the rest of my life

nor can i do the things that my aunt does

i just hope that
whatever i do
i dont fail at it.
i want to be a successful writer.
and i know i can be

but still...
what if..
i dont make it with my books?

then what?

and i also want to take some form of music/theater

am i spreading myself to thin?
too far across the board?

i dont wanna think about this anymore
it makes my heart hurt

its the first day of summer

lets make this count


199 bottles of beer on the wall...


so we'll start off with something that happened on sunday

picture this:

My Dad
My godmother [ aka my mom's best friend]
her parents
her sister
her nephew
in a limo

with a driver who doesnt know how to get to carnegie hall


on the one hand i was soo happy Ate Ana was there
because it made me more relaxed to know that i was taking my dad to Carnegie for fathers day

but on the other
it was sooo hard not to laugh
because i had to be the perfect daughter around my dad

first of all
Ate Mar got us BOX SEATS!
and the LIMO without telling me

all this time i thought regular seats and a cab

silly me
i shoulda known
its Ate Mar for God's sakes.

it was soo much fun watching Georgey play
even though i was beyondd embarrassed for him

i didnt know what was better
the concert or the comedy that was Box 26

or the fact that my dad and i were put into a box
with loud smelly people

it was just good times all around :]
i cant even begin to describe it

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

we shake shake shake the hips in relationships

i might have just made a HUGE mistake

then again

i might have done the one thing that may save me.

almost at 200


madd souped!

100 in one school year?

i want my 200th post
to be the last day of school

can i last an entire week
without writing?

we shall soon find out!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What an eventful day.

I spent my entire half day
in the fucking office

[[ from 753 to 1255 to be exact ]]


beyond ridiculous
you have no idea.

and you know whats crazy
im wearing jeans that completely hide my flip flops and i get caught
but there are girls wearing short shorts that are barely past their ass
and they dont get sent down at all

i swear
this day just gets worse

my teacher called my mom to tell her i was failing

my room's a fucking mess
its hot
i still cant find my anklet [[ *sobs* ]]

and i have to finish a project by tomorrow or i fail.
plus i was supposed to present to my math class but i couldnt
and my teacher is probably gonna murder me tomorrow


only thing i can think of that was good
was that i got my yearbook
and i didnt have to do anything all day but sit in a poorly fanned out room
[[ in an uncomfortable chair for 5hrs ]]

oh and the busride home
who knew a 3seater could be so damn comfortable.

what a day.
and all i could think of was...

[[ if you saw the one'd see the irony in that ]]

Monday, June 9, 2008

loving youuu is easy cuz you're beautiful


Oh my
Early dismissal tomorrow

Thank goodness!

Jesu Christo

It is hott

94* right now
Thank God we have early dismissal
Its hotter in here than out there
I swear :(

I wanna go home sooo baddd
And crank the AC all the wayy upp

It is wayy too hot to function
We should not be allowed in school

Better yet
We should get
And does not emit HOT AIR

On top of that we had a fire drill today

But nope

Cuz you know
Million dollar football fields are sooo much more important

Sunday, June 8, 2008

your voice is the soundtrack of my summer

do you know you're unlike any other
you'll always be my thunder
and your eyes
are the brightest of all the colors
i dont wanna ever love another
you'll always be my thunder
so bring on the rain
and listen to the thunder
the irony of my life
never ends.

its like
Just when I thought I was out...
they pull me back in



So I did some negotiating


yayyy!! ^_^

2003 Toyota Corolla
originally my godmother's who sold it to my uncle
who's selling to me for $800 :]

I can get the car as soon as i want
[[but since he hasnt used it in a while i'll need a jumpstart]]
and i start my payments in July :]
sooo happy :D

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Omg I swear...

I am never gonna fucking drive
This is beyond ridiculous

And on top of that
Fucking annoying

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

wow time flies

i still cant believe its june

i just wish things would go alot faster...

like seriously.
all of this is unnecessary

we should just stop doing things in school.
enough with the projects

just give me an A+ for being in school
when i should be other places
and thats it.

All i need right now...

is the summer.


enough of that
i felt as if my head were going to implode today

just thought id share that with you.

i want school to be done


Monday, June 2, 2008

how in the light of one night did we come so far?

beyond confused.

who do i choose
the guy who fits?
the guy I've liked for so long?

and if i do pick

will i ever win?

Edward vs Jacob moment
im not gonna lie.

Missed me missed me now you've gotta kiss me.

I definately didn't wanna go to school today

Ahhh I wanna go backkkk
I can't wait until they come up for the summer

Yooo I wanna go to Crystal Springs like right now

Let's go go go!!!!!

I'm soooo tired its making me really hyper

Like seriously
We didn't get home until 3am
Like woah
Sleep would be nice

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I is Cajunn

No lie
I be a blackened fish.

I kinda don't wanna go to school tomorrow.
Too much to go back to

Good Lawd have mercehh
I be soundin like Shaniquaa (Georgey)

My flights at 9pm I won't be home until midnight
I'm gonna miss everyone here<333