Monday, March 2, 2009

Its another night, another dream wasted on you...

I have just had the WEIRDEST dream of all time.

i dont think its the big dream i've been anticipating.

I dont know if it will come true
or if i want it to yet
[although i was very happy in the dream]

but all i know is...
yeah thats gonna be one interesting year.

so i wrote it down.
in a note to myself
and i hid it.
and if in 2011 on january 1st
what i wrote is true.

then holy shit!

i know who it is
and what it is
and when it is.
i just dont know if it is.

and the crazy part is.
i know that the way it happened in my dream
is probably how it would happen in real life.
and i know this may not make sense to any of you
[if anyone actually reads these]
but it does to me.

for now.

but the question is:
will i say yes?

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