Saturday, April 25, 2009

We drove into a great sunset, and lived a life with no regrets.

As i was driving home today
I looked into my rearview mirror
and i saw the most beautiful sunset i have ever seen

and you know what it made me think of?

that line in my favorite song:
We woke before the sun could rise
We packed our bags and waved goodbye,
We drove into a great sunset
And lived a life with no regrets...
[["Dont Wait" by Hit the Lights]]

and what i realized then
is that i want to do that one day.
I want to wake up one morning.
and just drive
drive farrr
take an insane road trip across the country.

i want to find a highway
thats just an open field that stretches out for miles
and speed off into the sunset :]

maybe someday i will do that.
i've always wanted to take a road trip.
i love driving.
and i love my car

mostly because,
she's mine.
all mine.
i bought her. i paid for her.
i fixed her up.

and well...
there's something about that car.
that just calms me.
makes me feel safe.
sometimes when i get home from a long day at school or at work
i sit in my car and i turn off the engine.
i roll down my window and i listen to the radio
or i sit silently and listen to the stars.

and it feels good.
because for that one moment
im all to myself.
i have all the time in the world.
and i know that my neighbors must think im crazy
[[i sit in my car and lurk. i dance in the middle of the street. i sing in the middle of the street. i write i love you in the middle of the street when it snows. i howl at the full moon. i count the stars.]]
jeez. im surprised they havent had me sent to Arkham yet :]

but in those moments that
i dance and sing and howl and everything else.
i feel sooo
i feel like theres nothing else in this world that can keep me from moving
that i can take anything
even for that one minute
i can be anything.
i can handle anything.

you should try it one day.

heres how you do it:
1. you turn on your car radio to either
a) the most obnoxiously ghetto music
b) lite acoustic/acapella music
c) classical music
d) none or all of the above

2. you stand right in the middle of the street
[[only if you live in a quiet area though. please do not stand in the middle of like rt 1&9 or something. i do not wanna get sued]]

3. and you just
a) dance
b) sing along/hum along if there are no lyrics
c) flail about like an idiot
d) some combination of all of the above

it is the most exhilarating feeling in the world

if a neighbor comes by:
1) say hello [[dont be rude.]]
2) invite them to join you :]
3) tell them to have a wonderful day
3.5) mean it when you tell them to have a wonderful day
4) then calmly collect your dignity and proceed to flail about as if they arent there.

trust me. its a whole lot of fun.

and promise to howl when you see a full moon
and to wish on at least one star
[[make sure its a star though. i've made a lot of wishes on airplanes.]]

and above all.
dont be afraid to live
dont be afraid to love
dont be afraid to get what you want
dont be afraid to command what you deserve
because chances are.
you were meant to have everything i just mentioned above
and a whole lot more.

remember that.
out in this world
someone loves you.
more than you can imagine.
you just have to find them.


Coach Filipina said...

I am happy to see you soooo happy:-) I trust you would dance in the middle of the street safely! Love, MOM

Cuethesun said...

youre sooo silly.
and yes of course :D