Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I dream of Petey <3

mmmm hmmmm
best dream ever
no its not one of those kinds of dreams
anyway here goes::
okay so it starts off on the way to the lincoln tunnel with my dad
and hes the one taking me to the concert [fall out boy of course]

idk why but you know that looped road that leads into the tunnel
with the tolls at the bottom?
well it turned into a line for the show
the toll is the ticket stand
and the tunnel
is the stage

so because we have ez-pass (yeah i know cheezy) we can go all the way to the front
by the stage ^_^
so then my dad isnt my dad and it turns into the girl i originally went to the concert with before
and we're up front all happy and wutnot
but for some reason
im on stage and off to the side...like leaning against a wall
and i seee

Patrick warming up
Joe practicing his Trohmania
Andy drumming a great riff
and Pete staring at me (O.o)
and of course the same guard who pulled me outta my crowd surf
decides to kick me offstage
so i do and pete follows
(me= Vaaaat?! O.o)
and then he starts talking to me

Pw=hi im pete
am=yeah i know. im amanda! (^_^) can i get your autograph
pw= no
am= oh right cuz then you have to sign everyone elses and its not fair yadda yadda yadda
pw= actually i was kidding
am= oh. (leave it to me to be an idiot even in my dream!)
pw= what do you want me to sign
am=(thinks of her journal which she left at home; then tells him about it and her cd that she wanted him to sign and hands him a different notebook)

so then we start talking some more (and of course marisol is there....HA! now you cant tell me youve never been to a concert before or that i didnt take you....cuz boom! there you are chattin it up with petey and staring at patrick)
so anyway back to the point
we talk for wut seems like hours and next thing you know the show is done
and they leave and im walking with them
still talking to them (all of them now)
and we walk into this restaurant and we're about to order pizza


i wake up. o.O

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