Wednesday, June 13, 2007

you could be my punkrockprincess i could be your garagebandking<3

i love that song<333
current favorite
Punk Rock Princess [Something Corporate]
i havent listened to it since my best friend anu downloaded it
when she slept over the night of my birthdayparty last year

but yeah

bahhh that algebra2 final was harder than i thought it would be

oh wellz

getting my nano todayyyyy

YAY!!!! ^_^

sooo happy bout that...

this way i wont be completely bored when i stay in my french room with ellie tomorrow
im not going home early
cuz i dont have a ride
but its all good
i get to chillax with madame nanda and ellie
plus id be wayyyy too bored if i went home

i cant wait to go to walmart tonight
i did all my chores yesterday

listening to fall out boyyy
big surprise there
i just love them<33333333333
im a stich awayyy from making it
and a scarrrr away from falling apart
blood cells pixelate and eyes dialate
cuz the way your pills it kills the mouths of all my friends
cut it loooosssseeee
watch you work the room
cut if looooosssseee
watch you work the room.
so yeah bahhh
i just love writing here
to you
its like my journal y'know

im gonna publish that btw

but yeah

i dont know what to write about
oh yeah i took my english final

it was fun
i love the essay topic i chose
about who was the true hero in Julius Caesar
first i outlined the criteria for what makes a true hero
(yay for mythology class with mr vanderbeek in freshman year)
and then i just listed what components make a good hero
i came up with the results that Brutus was more of a hero than Mark Anthony
personally i really liked the character of Mark Anthony at first
i thought that he was really loyal in the sense that he wanted revenge for Julius
i mean its what i woulda done
but i think he got to power hungry y'know?
so i tried Brutus who in my opinion was the bigger man
because at least all his motives were for what he thought was the betterment of Rome

well anywayy i liked Mark Anthony's Eulogy at Caesars funeral
i memorized it <333

Friends! Romans! Countrymen!
Lend me your ears!
I come to bury Caesar
not praise him
the evil that men do lives after them
the good are oft interred with their bones
so let it be with Caesar
the noble Brutus hath said that he were ambitious
if he were twas a grievous fault
and grievously hath Caesar pay
here under the leave of Brutus and the rest
come i speak at Caesar's funeral
for he was my friend faithful and just to me
but Brutus said he was ambitious
and Brutus is an honorable man
so are they all honorable men!
he hath brought many captives to Rome
whose ransom did the general coffers fill
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious
when the poor hath cried Caesar hath wept
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff!
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious
and Brutus is an honorable man!
You did see that on the Lupercal
i Thrice offered him a kingly crown
which he did refuse, Was that ambition?
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious
and sure, he is an honorable man
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke
But here i am to speak what i do know
You all did love him once, not without cause
What cause withholds you to mourn for him
O judgement thou art fled to brutish beasts!
and men have lost their reason
Bear with me
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar
and i must pause til it come back to me
im sooo sad though
i forgot like alot of it
so i had to reread it and copy off of my copy of it that i put on my wall

im gonna rememorize it
its one of those things that is good to have with you
i love it

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