Monday, June 11, 2007

&&i saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies

&&all the lovers with no time for me
&&all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me
&&pray they dont come up to me
im in and odd mood
everythings great and all
but idk...

ive been scared alot lately
of nothing
or rather things you would think is nothing
listening to random music

im cold but not really
[spread lies like these]
so yeah...

time to be cryptic.
spread out into nothing and searching for everything in me

wow that sounded really emo
hahaha...i just typed whatever came to mind first
i have a very emo mind

[the only thing i havent done yet is die and its me and my plus one in the afterlife]

i dont know
just felt like quoting things
so yeah.

first day of finals today

first final: how to sleep in study hall for 2 hrs without cramping up or snoring (ha ha)
i think i passed that one
second final: concert choir
^_^ i think i really did well on that one

this world seems like some groggy dreamland today
its all so weird
and then the summertime
what will i do this summer

its one of those nothingwilleverbethesameagain moments
one of thossseeeee...

im listening to luther vandross
cuz i can
[if he could only read her mind she'd say:
buy me a rose
call me from work
open a door for me what would it hurt
show me you love me by the look in your eyes
these are the little things i need most in my life]

i love that song<3
hahaha yeah gary valenciano
right after luther vandross

im not making any sense am i?
oh well

feeling a bit accomplished
i have no fucking clue
oh wells...its such a nice day outtt

ever have those moments
where you just hit that perfect high note...
mmmm hmmm
one of thoseeee<3

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